
internet bullies

March 30, 2010

So the people who have formsprings listen up: I don’t know who it is  but there is definitely a “internet bully” out there using formspring as there weapon. A friend of mine has been getting stupid, rude messages from whoever it is. Whoever it is is pretty dumb, because they said something about being in her jazz class. So she’s narrowed it down.Its crazy how low people go. Whatever you say stays on the internet for anybody to find. If you wouldn’t say it in person, why say it on the internet?!? It’s honestly lame. I have ALOT of things to say to whoever is doing this.Ill just say one: You might as well stop now your digging the hole deeper if you keep this going. Thanks for reading, LMH


  1. It’s erinn right? That’s horrible! 😦 who has she narrowed it down too?!

  2. I’m not saying anything on here but ask me in person 🙂

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